Human to elf age conversion
Human to elf age conversion

human to elf age conversion

Illarion is a big wide world world with lots of peoples and places (most of which aren't even named for other races) so even things like 'adult' age might vary from place to place, within a certain measure of reason. One day the lore will get a nice comb through and update i'm sure but until then players should use what information they can find as guidelines only. Humans are followed but not closely by elves, halfing's, lizards, dwarves and orc's. One minor problem: the power law would imply that elves grow faster than humans before age 1, since, say, our guy looks six months old at 0.50.717 0.3 years or about four months of age. Humans got the most cultural 'love' lore wise and are easy to understand (we're human's after all) the rest of the races got somethings a lot more narrow. If hes lucky and makes it to the elf-blooded equivalent of a human centenarian, hell have lived an impressive 100 1.717 2716 years. That stands as a good measurement of age for an elf all the same, as many real life cultures have coming of age ceremonies which play such a role as well. Those pages are in need of some updating and typo correct^^. it's good to know that elves reach 'majority' at the age of 180.

human to elf age conversion

I stand corrected that's what i get for looking in the wiki and not the homepage.

Human to elf age conversion