Log into SSLC to get your Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition license. Note 2: Modelsim*-Intel® FPGA Edition licensees with active maintenance (unexpired maintenance period) on Oct 1 st, 2021 will be eligible for Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition licenses for the remainder of the active duration.Every 12 months you must regenerate your license file in the Self-Service Licensing Center for the specific Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software version that you purchased. If you d not receive th email within few minutes, chck your spam foIder or email providr. Note 1: Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software license expires 12 months after the date of purchase. Please note - the license.dat file email could get reside in your Spam or Junk mail folder.Additionally, customers with active Intel® Quartus® Prime licenses are eligible for Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition licenses (from Oct 15 th, 2021) for the remainder of their license period.Customers who have purchased Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro or Standard Editions in 2021 are eligible for 6-month free license (expires April 30 th, 2022).Free with purchase of Intel® Quartus® Prime( Starting Oct 15 th, 2021).Individual results may be higher or lower. Performance is highly design-dependent and was measured by Siemens across 3 designs. Note: Performance measured by Siemens EDA.(When you are operating the simulator within ModelSim’s GUI, the interface is consistent for all platforms.) Examples show Windows path separators - use separators appropriate for your operating system when trying the examples.

Mentor Graphics ModelSim PE Student Edition 10. way to create directories, copy files, and execute programs within your operating system.